The Mission for MARS Collection Agency
By maintaining the highest level of business integrity and constant focus on results, MARS Collection Agency provides the highest quality of debt collection services in Tulsa, accounts receivable services, and Oklahoma bad debt settlement while upholding an outstanding reputation among its competitors and clients.
While a company’s reputation can be quite fragile, it is absolutely crucial. We operate with the highest level of integrity in all phases of our work and remain a positive influence in our community. We value our client’s customers just as we value our own clients. Knowing that our clients expect an agency that represents their organization in a responsible and professional manner is the key in understanding the correct approach to take during the collection process. As a certified Small Business Administration (SBA) company we are fully aware that one’s reputation is a valuable asset that can be fragile and must be taken into consideration when working on behalf of our clients.
While we realize collection agencies can be quite similar, we believe that there is one specific quality that pushes M.A.R.S Inc. numerous steps beyond its competitors. In conjunction with providing satisfactory recovery rates, we are dedicated to providing superior customer service to our clients. We have developed many long-lasting and mutually rewarding client relationships, some over fifteen years. It is important to us that we fully understand and comply with our clients’ needs, and that is why we have a Client Relations Department that is exclusively responsible for satisfying our clients. You will always speak with a person, not a machine, when you call to discuss accounts. We truly care about our clients and their businesses, and we vow to deliver constant reliable service.